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Setting up an integration in GitHub

The steps to take to integrate a GitHub repository with Scribe Hub

  1. If you haven't yet done so, open a free Scribe Hub account here.
  1. Get your Client Secret credentials from your Scribe Hub Integrations page.
Scribe Integration Secrets
  1. Login to your GitHub account.

  2. Go to the repository you wish to integrate with Scribe.

  3. Define two new Secret variables for your repository.
    To do that, go to settings → Secrets and variables → Actions → New repository secret.

    • Under your repository name, click Settings. If you cannot see the Settings tab, select the dropdown menu, then click Settings.

    • In the Security section of the sidebar, select Secrets and variables, then click Codespaces.

      Secrets and variables
    • At the top of the new page, click the green New repository secret button.

      New repository secret
    • Type a name for your secret in the Name input box. you need to add each secret in turn, first CLIENT_ID and then CLIENT_SECRET. Enter the value for your secret. In both cases the secret value is the one you get from your Scribe Hub Integrations page.

      New secret
    • Click Add secret.

      Add secret
  4. Now that you have added the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET variables to your repository you can add the Scribe code snippets into your YAML workflows. This guide assumes you're adding all possible evidence collection points.

    • To add automatic evidence collection (a signed SBOM) after each commit

      Assuming that you do not yet have an existing pipeline workflow, you need to create a new YAML file under the .github/workflows/ folder in the root folder of your repository.

      Repository Workflows

      If the folder dosn't exist, create it.

      In the folder create a new file called create-signed-git-commit-sbom.yml. Here's the file's code:

          name: Create signed git commit sbom

      on: push

      runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      id-token: write # workload identity access needed for signing using sigstore-github

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Generate signed git SBOM
      uses: scribe-security/action-bom@master
      target: 'git:.'
      scribe-enable: true
      product-key: ${{ github.repository }}
      scribe-client-secret: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_SECRET }}
      label: is_git_commit
      format: attest

      The on: push segment of this workflow means that whenever there is a push into this repository, a new signed SBOM of the repository will be sent to the evidence store of your Scribe hub.

      Once this evidence is uploaded to your Scribe Hub you'd be able to see it on your evidence report.

    • To add automatic evidence collection (a signed SBOM) to your GitHub pipeline workflow

      Assuming that you do not yet have an existing pipeline workflow, you need to create a new YAML file under the .github/workflows/ folder in the root folder of your repository.

      Repository Workflows

      This new file is going to be your GitHub pipeline to create the final image from your repository.

      If you already have an existing pipeline workflow open the YAML file.

      You need to add Scribe code snippets in 2 main locations:

      • Right after the code pull at the start of the pipeline.
      • Right after the image is built at the end of the pipeline.

      If you are building multiple images, make sure you add the second Scribe code snippet (Generate signed SBOM for docker image) after each one.

      Since each pipeline is different this example will only contain just the Scribe code as an example.

          name: Create signed git clone and image SBOMs

      on: workflow_dispatch


      runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      contents: read
      packages: write
      id-token: write

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Generate signed SBOM for repo content
      # Used after git clone at the begining of the pipeline
      uses: scribe-security/action-bom@master
      target: 'git:.'
      scribe-enable: true
      components: packages,files,dep
      scribe-client-secret: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_SECRET }}
      format: attest

      - name: Build the Docker image
      # This is a stand in step for whatever needs to happen in your pipeline culminating with building a docker image from the repository
      run: docker build . -t ${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}

      - name: Generate signed SBOM for docker image
      # Used after a docker image is built
      uses: scribe-security/action-bom@master
      target: 'docker:scribe-demo-product:${{ github.sha }}'
      scribe-enable: true

      product-key: ${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
      scribe-client-secret: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_SECRET }}
      format: attest

      Every time you run the workflow the evidence will be generated and uploaded to your Scribe Hub automatically. You'd be able to see the evidence on your evidence report.

      You'll also see a new build version added to the appropriate project:

      Product builds page

      Clicking on the latest added build will allow you to explore all it's relevent information, reports, and insights through the build dashboard:

      Product build dashboard page
    • To add SLSA provenance statement collection to your GitHub pipeline workflow

      In order to add SLSA provenance generation to your GitHub pipeline workflow you must first connect the Scribe GitHub app to your organizational GitHub account.

      To do that:

      1. To start the integration go to your [Scribe Hub account]( "Scribe Hub Link"). On the left options column go to the integrations option.
        Scribe Integrations
      2. On the integrations page scroll down to the Source Control section:
        Source Control
      3. Press the connect button. That will lead you to a page like this:
        Install ScribeApp
      4. Choose the GitHub account you want to integrate the ScribeApp with. Make sure you have owner access to the account to allow the app integration. Make sure the account is organizational - the integration won't work with a private account.

        Once you have chosen the account you wish to integrate with ScribeApp GitHub you will get the following window:
        Install ScribeApp Integration
      5. Choose the access level you wish to grant ScribeApp. You can choose to allow it access to all repositories or just select repositories. Note that repositories that are not covered by the ScribeApp will not be able to produce the SLSA provenance.

        After reviewing the access granted to ScribeApp go ahead and approve it by pressing the big green button.
        Green button
      6. Next, you'll be directed to GitHub to approve your access by inputting your password.
        Approve access
      7. You get redirected to the integrations page. There is now a green checkmark next to the GitHub icon in the Source Control section:
        Approve access

      Now that you have connected the Scribe GitHub app to your organizational GitHub account you can add the SLSA provenance generation code snipet to the end of your build pipeline.

      Here's the code you should add to your pipeline workflow YAML file after the final docker image is created:

          - name: Generate SLSA provenance statement
      id: valint_slsa_statement
      uses: scribe-security/action-bom@master
      target: 'docker:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}'
      format: statement-slsa

      -uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
      name: provenance
      path: ${{ steps.valint_slsa_statement.outputs.OUTPUT_PATH }}

      And here's a full example pipeline:

          name: Create signed git clone and image SBOMs

      on: workflow_dispatch


      runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      contents: read
      packages: write
      id-token: write

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Generate signed SBOM for repo content
      # Used after git clone at the begining of the pipeline
      uses: scribe-security/action-bom@master
      target: 'git:.'
      scribe-enable: true
      components: packages,files,dep
      scribe-client-secret: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_SECRET }}
      format: attest

      - name: Build the Docker image
      # This is a stand in step for whatever needs to happen in your pipeline culminating with building a docker image from the repository
      run: docker build . -t ${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}

      - name: Generate signed SBOM for docker image
      # Used after a docker image is built
      uses: scribe-security/action-bom@master
      target: 'docker:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}'
      scribe-enable: true

      product-key: ${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}
      scribe-client-secret: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_SECRET }}
      format: attest

      - name: Generate SLSA provenance statement
      id: valint_slsa_statement
      uses: scribe-security/action-bom@master
      target: 'docker:${{ github.repository }}:${{ github.sha }}'
      format: statement-slsa

      -uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
      name: provenance
      path: ${{ steps.valint_slsa_statement.outputs.OUTPUT_PATH }}

      To see that provenance information you need to go to the Actions tab in your GitHub repository.

      Actions tab

      There you can examine the workflows and actions you have run on this GitHub repository. Once you have run a workflow that includes the SLSA provenance generation you'll be able to find the resulting file at the bottom of the page:

      SLSA provenance file

      The provenance information is in in-toto format and looks like this:

      SLSA Provenance in-toto format

      In your Scribe hub, having a SLSA provenance added can be seen in your compliance report:

      SLSA provenance available
  5. To add your own policies to the pipeline check out this guide.

  6. To capture 3rd party tool results in the pipeline and turn it into evidence, check out this guide.

Where to go on Scribe Hub

Now that you've created your first set of evidence you can log into your Scribe Hub to view the results.

The first place you can look into to make sure your evidence has been uploaded properly is the Evidence report. The evidence report shows all the evidence you have collected and uploaded to Scribe Hub from all your pipelines and projects.

To see more details on your pipeline you can check out the Product page

Products page

The products page shows you your products along with some basic information: How many subscribers have you added to this product, when the latest version of it was created (the last pipeline run), how many components were identified in the project, if the source code integrity was verified or not, how many high (or higher) vulnerabilities were identified, and how the project stands in terms of compliance to the SSDF and SLSA frameworks.

Clicking on a product will show you all the product's builds and their information:

Product builds page

For each build you can see its version ID, the build date, if the source code integrity was verified or not, the number and severity of vulnerabilities, how that build stands in terms of compliance, whether the build was published and if its signature was verified.

for more information on the pipeline you just completed, click on the last build uploaded (the top of the list) and you'll get to the build dashboard:

Product build dashboard page

The dashboard is your main access to see this build's reports. You can see a summary of the build's compliance information to each of the frameworks, you can see a summary of the vulnerability information, and you can see the integrity validation information.

Where to go next

  • To learn more about what you can see, learn, and access about your build and your product look at the reports guide section.
  • To learn how to create and manage SBOMs and vulnerabilities go to this guide.
  • To learn about Scribe's use of the SLSA framework go to this guide.
  • To learn about enforcing SDLC policies go to this guide.
  • To learn how to achieve SSDF compliance go to this guide.
  • To learn how to secure your builds go to this guide.