Scribe Hub
Last modified January 29, 2025
Scribe Hub Version 1.30.3
January 29, 2025
Team Homepage
- The 'Overview' dashboard, previously under 'Reports' was relocated to become the team's home page.
- The 'Settings' section was renamed to 'Account.'
- The 'User Logs' dashboard, previously under the 'Reports' section, was relocated to 'Accounts.'
SBOMs (SBOM Inventory)
- The 'Reports' section was renamed to 'SBOMs.'
- The 'SBOM' dashboard displays a new 'Relation' column denoting whether a dependency is direct or transitive. The 'More' dialog displays the related dependencies (parent or child) in the SBOM.
- A new chart in the 'Vulnerabilities' dashboard under the SBOMs section visualizes the funnel of prioritized issues.
Evidence dashbaord
- The Evidence dashboard previously under 'Reports' was relocated to 'Policy.'
- User can filter Evidence by 'Evidence ID.'
- 'Evidence ID' appears in the 'More' dialog in the evidence table.
- Evidence collected from the Discovery process displays the 'Signer ID' as other types of Evidence already do.
Behavior Changes
- The SLSA dashboard under the 'Reports' section was deprecated. SLSA findings are accessible from the 'Policy', Evaluation dashboard.
Scribe Hub Version 1.23.0
November 4, 2024
Discovery Asset table
Added Parent asset as property in the Asset table.
Added 'More' link to asset line for extended info.
Canceled the Lineage tab which became redundant due to the above change.
Improved loading time of tables, filters, and graphs.
Scribe Hub Version 1.21.0
Attestation Signing
- Sign with AWS KMS keys.
SLSA Verification
- Compliance with SLSA levels 1 and 2 is validated by the client (valint). This replaces the previous implementation and standardizes the policy as a code model.