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Using the `platforms` Tool

Installing Platforms CLI

Use the following command line interface (CLI) installation options:

Docker image

Pull the platforms release binary wrapped in its relevant docker image.
Tag value should be the requested version.

docker pull scribesecurity/platforms:latest

CI integration

Platforms CLI has supported CI integrations to automate the discovery, evidence generation, SBOM generation and policy evaluation process.

CLI Commands Structure

All the commands in the platforms tool are structured as follows:

platforms [global-options] command [command options] platform [platform options]
  • The global options are the global options that apply to all the commands.

  • The command is the action that you want to perform. It can be one of the following:

    • discover: To discover assets.
    • evidence: To generate evidence (deprecated use discover command instead).
    • bom: To generate SBOMs.
    • verify: To evaluate policies.
  • command options are the options that apply to the command.

  • platform is the platform on which you want to act. It can be one of the following:

    • github: Act on GitHub SCM and CI pipelines.
    • gitlab: Act on GitLab SCM and CI pipelines.
    • dockerhub: Act on DockerHub images.
    • k8s: Act on Kubernetes deployments.
    • jfrog: Act on JFrog, Artifactory images.
    • ecr: Act on ECR images.
    • bitbucket: Act on Bitbucket SCM and CI pipelines.
    • jenkins: Act on Jenkins CI pipelines.
  • platforms options are the options that apply to the platform. Most of the platform-specific options are for scoping, filtering, and mapping assets to products.

In the following sections, we shall explain each command in detail, by going through all commands for each platform.

Global options

usage: platforms [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--print_config [=flags]] [--log-level {TRACE,DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--db.local.path PATH]
{discover,evidence,bom,verify} ...

CLI tool for collecting evidence and enforcing policies via CI/CD platform APIs

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--config CONFIG Path to a configuration file.
--print_config [=flags]
Print the configuration after applying all other arguments and exit. The optional flags customizes the output and are one or more keywords separated by comma.
The supported flags are: comments, skip_default, skip_null.
Set the logging level (default: INFO)
--log-file LOG_FILE Set the logging file (default: )
--db.local.path PATH Local db path (default: platforms.db)

For more details of each subcommand, add it as an argument followed by --help.

Available subcommands:

Common Options

All the commands use an internal assets database. The path to the database can be set using the --db.local.path option. This option defaults to platforms.db or the value of the environment variable PLATFORMS_DB_PATH.

The --instance option enables managing multiple instances of development platforms, such as different Gitlab or DockerHub accounts, or different K8s clusters. The instance is an identifier - it must be used consistently with all the commands.

Scoping and excluding assets for various commands is supported. The scope values or to exclude are provided as a list of strings, these strings can include wildcards. For example,

  • To scope the K8s scan only to namespaces that start with "prod", use the option --scope.namespace prod*.
  • To scope to both "prod" and "dev" namespaces, the option --scope.namespace prod*, dev* can be used.

Options for mapping assets to Scribe Products and Product-versions are supported for all relevant commands. The mapping is done using an --<asset>.mapping option, followed by a list of asset-mapping strings. The common format for the asset-mapping string is asset_name::product_key::product_version. The asset name part supports wildcards.

For example,

  • To map the Nautilus Gitlab project to the Accounting product, version 1.0 use the option --project.mapping nautilus::Accounting::1.0.

  • To map all the Gitlab projects that start with "service" to ComplexProduct1 and ComplexProduct2 use the option --project.mapping service*::ComplexProduct1::1.0, service*::ComplexProduct2::1.0.

  • The K8s asset-mapping strings for mapping images to be scanned to products are in the format namespace::pod::image::product_key::product_version. For example,

  • To map all the images in the "prod" namespace to the Accounting product, version 1.0, use the option --image.mapping prod::*::Accounting::1.0.

  • To map all the images from my-company DockerHub namespace to the Gizmo product, version 2.0 use the option --image.mapping my-company/*::Gizmo::2.0.

Mapping is another scoping stage; if a mapping is done, only the assets that are mapped will be considered for the command.

Some of the platforms support a default_product_key_strategy option, which will be used if a product-key was not explicitly provided in the valint.product-key option. For example, the platforms bom k8s --default_product_key_strategy namespace will use the namespace as the product-key.