The Discover Command
The discover command is used to sample asset data from various sources. The data is stored in an internal database, which is used by the evidence generation and policy evaluation commands. To run the discover command you need to provide the access data to the resources and scoping information. Access data typically includes providing a url
and access data such as a token
or username
and password
Notice that the database created should be accessible for running the other commands later on.
Common Options
usage: platforms [options] discover [-h] [--db.local.store_policy {update,replace}] [--db.update_period UPDATE_PERIOD]
{gitlab,dockerhub,k8s,github,jfrog,ecr,jenkins,bitbucket} ...
Discover assets and save data to a local store
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--db.local.store_policy {update,replace}
Policy for local data collection: update or replace (default: update)
--db.update_period UPDATE_PERIOD
Update period in days. 0 for force update (type: int, default: 0)
For more details of each subcommand, add it as an argument followed by --help.
Available subcommands:
Gitlab Discovery
Gitlab discovery samples the following assets: organization, projects, users, tokens, and pipelines.
usage: platforms [options] discover [options] gitlab [-h] [--instance INSTANCE]
[--types {organization,project,authenticated_user,member,token,variable,branch,user,commit,pipeline,job,all} [{organization,project,authenticated_user,member,token,variable,branch,user,commit,pipeline,job,all} ...]]
[--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]]
[--scope.project [PROJECT ...]] [--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]]
[--scope.tag [TAG ...]] [--commit.skip] [--pipeline.skip]
[--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}] [--scope.skip_org_members]
[--scope.skip_project_members] [--scope.commit.past_days PAST_DAYS]
[--scope.pipeline.skip] [--scope.pipeline.past_days PAST_DAYS]
[--scope.pipeline.analyzed_logs] [--scope.pipeline.reports] [--broad]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance INSTANCE Gitlab instance string (default: )
--types {organization,project,authenticated_user,member,token,variable,branch,user,commit,pipeline,job,all} [{organization,project,authenticated_user,member,token,variable,branch,user,commit,pipeline,job,all} ...]
Defines which asset to discover, scoped by scope parameters (default: [])
--token TOKEN Gitlab token (GITLAB_TOKEN, CI_JOB_TOKEN) (default: )
--url URL Gitlab base URL (default:
--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]
Gitlab organization list (default: ['*'])
--scope.project [PROJECT ...]
Gitlab projects epositories wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its
namesapce in the format 'namespace / project_name' (default: ['*'])
--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]
Gitlab branches wildcards (default: null)
--scope.tag [TAG ...]
Gitlab tags wildcards (default: null)
--commit.skip Skip commits in evidence (default: False)
--pipeline.skip Skip pipeline in evidence (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}
Override product key with namespace, pod or image names (default: mapping)
Skip organization members discovery (default: False)
Skip project members discovery (default: False)
--scope.commit.past_days PAST_DAYS
Number of past days to include in the report (type: int, default: 28)
Skip pipeline information (default: False)
--scope.pipeline.past_days PAST_DAYS
Number of past days to include in the report (type: int, default: 30)
Include analyzed pipeline logs (default: False)
Include gitlab standard reports (default: False)
--broad Retrieves limited information (only organizations and projects) (default: False)
Note: The discovery includes two experimental features, to add data to the project evidence:
which attepmts to analyze logs to detect image building information
Github Discovery
Github discovery samples the following assets: organization, repositories, users, tokens, and workflows.
usage: platforms [options] discover [options] github [-h] [--instance INSTANCE]
[--types {organization,repository,branch,commit,workflow,run,member,authenticated_user,collaborator,secret,variable,all} [{organization,repository,branch,commit,workflow,run,member,authenticated_user,collaborator,secret,variable,all} ...]]
[--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]]
[--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]]
[--scope.tag [TAG ...]] [--branch.shallow] [--commit.skip]
[--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}] [--scope.commit.past_days PAST_DAYS]
[--workflow.skip] [--scope.workflow.past_days PAST_DAYS]
[--scope.workflow.analyzed_logs] [--scope.runners] [--scope.sbom] [--broad]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance INSTANCE Github instance string (default: )
--types {organization,repository,branch,commit,workflow,run,member,authenticated_user,collaborator,secret,variable,all} [{organization,repository,branch,commit,workflow,run,member,authenticated_user,collaborator,secret,variable,all} ...]
Defines which asset to discover, scoped by scope parameters (default: [])
--token TOKEN Github token (GITHUB_TOKEN, GH_TOKEN) (default: )
--url URL Github base URL (default:
--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]
Github organization list (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Github repositories wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its
namesapce in the format 'namespace / project_name' (default: ['*'])
--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]
Github branches wildcards (default: [])
--scope.tag [TAG ...]
Github tags wildcards (default: [])
--branch.shallow Shallow branch discovery (default: False)
--commit.skip Skip commits in discovery/evidence (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}
Determint product key by mapping. In the future - we shall support by reopsitory name too. (default: mapping)
--scope.commit.past_days PAST_DAYS
Number of past days to include in the report (type: int, default: 30)
--workflow.skip Skip workflows in evidence (default: False)
--scope.workflow.past_days PAST_DAYS
Number of past days to include in the report (type: int, default: 30)
Include analyzed workflow logs (default: False)
--scope.runners Include repository allocated runners in evidence (default: False)
--scope.sbom Include repositories SBOM in evidence (default: False)
--broad Retrieves limited information (only organizations, repositories and workflows) (default: False)
Note: The discovery includes two experimental features, to add data to the project evidence:
which attepmts to analyze logs to detect image building information--scope.pipeline.reports
which collects GitLab standard secret scanning and sast reports.
DockerHub Discovery
DockerHub discovery samples the following assets: namespaces, repositories, and repository_tags.
usage: platforms [options] discover [options] dockerhub [-h] [--instance INSTANCE]
[--types {instance,namespace,repository,repository_tag,webhook,token,all} [{instance,namespace,repository,repository_tag,webhook,token,all} ...]]
[--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--token TOKEN] [--url URL]
[--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]]
[--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]]
[--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]]
[--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]]
[--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]]
[--namespace-list [NAMESPACE_LIST ...]] [--scope.past_days PAST_DAYS] [--broad]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance INSTANCE Dockerhub instance string (default: )
--types {instance,namespace,repository,repository_tag,webhook,token,all} [{instance,namespace,repository,repository_tag,webhook,token,all} ...]
Defines which asset to discover, scoped by scope parameters (default: [])
--username USERNAME Dockerhub username (default: null)
--password PASSWORD Dockerhub password (DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD) (default: )
--token TOKEN Dockerhub token (default: )
--url URL Dockerhub base URL (default:
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Dockerhub repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
Dockerhub tags (default: ['*'])
--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]
Dockerhub Image platform (default: ['*'])
--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Dockerhub repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
Dockerhub tags to exclude (default: [])
--namespace-list [NAMESPACE_LIST ...]
List of namespaces (default: [])
--scope.past_days PAST_DAYS
Ignore tags pushed earlier that previous to this number of days (type: int, default: 30)
--broad Retrieves limited information (only namespaces and repositories) (default: False)
K8s Discovery
Kubernetes discovery samples the following asset types: namespaces, pods, and secrets. Pod information includes image information.
usage: platforms [options] discover [options] k8s [-h] [--instance INSTANCE]
[--types {namespace,pod,secret,deployment,all} [{namespace,pod,secret,deployment,all} ...]]
[--url URL] [--token TOKEN] [--scope.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]] [--scope.pod [POD ...]]
[--scope.image [IMAGE ...]] [--ignore-state] [--exclude.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]]
[--exclude.pod [POD ...]] [--exclude.image [IMAGE ...]] [--secret.skip]
[--deployment.skip] [--broad]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance INSTANCE Kubernetes instance string (default: )
--types {namespace,pod,secret,deployment,all} [{namespace,pod,secret,deployment,all} ...]
Defines which asset to discover, scoped by scope parameters (default: [])
--url URL Kubernetes API URL (required, default: )
--token TOKEN Kubernetes token, with access to pods and secrets (K8S_TOKEN) (default: )
--scope.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]
Kubernetes namespaces wildcard list (default: ['*'])
--scope.pod [POD ...]
Kubernetes pods wildcard list (default: ['*'])
--scope.image [IMAGE ...]
Kubernetes images wildcard list (default: ['*'])
--ignore-state Filter out containers that are not running (default: False)
--exclude.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]
Namespaces to exclude from discovery process (default: [])
--exclude.pod [POD ...]
Pods to exclude from discovery process (default: [])
--exclude.image [IMAGE ...]
Images to exclude from discovery process (default: [])
--secret.skip Skip secrets discovery (default: False)
--deployment.skip Skip deployments discovery (default: False)
--broad Retrieves limited information (only namespaces and deployments) (default: False)
Jfrog Discovery
Jfrog discovery samples the following assets: Jfrog repositories, Image repositories, and Image Tags.
For example
: Instance URLmy_registry
A Jfrog Repository Includes a set of Image Repositories.my_image
A image Repository, Includes a set of Image Tags.my_image:latest
A image Repository.
usage: platforms [options] discover [options] jfrog [-h] [--instance INSTANCE]
[--types {jf-repository,repository,repository_tag,user,token,webhook,all} [{jf-repository,repository,repository_tag,user,token,webhook,all} ...]]
[--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [--scope.jf-repository [JF_REPOSITORY ...]]
[--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]]
[--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]]
[--exclude.jf-repository [JF_REPOSITORY ...]] [--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]]
[--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]] [--scope.past_days PAST_DAYS]
[--scope.tag_limit TAG_LIMIT] [--broad]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance INSTANCE Jfrog instance string (default: )
--types {jf-repository,repository,repository_tag,user,token,webhook,all} [{jf-repository,repository,repository_tag,user,token,webhook,all} ...]
Defines which asset to discover, scoped by scope parameters (default: [])
--token TOKEN Jfrog token (JFROG_TOKEN) (default: )
--url URL Jfrog base URL (default: null)
--scope.jf-repository [JF_REPOSITORY ...]
Jfrog repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Jfrog Image repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
Jfrog Image tags (default: ['*'])
--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]
Jfrog Image platform (default: ['*'])
--exclude.jf-repository [JF_REPOSITORY ...]
Jfrog repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Jfrog Image repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
Jfrog tags to exclude (default: [])
--scope.past_days PAST_DAYS
Ignore tags pushed earlier that previous to this number of days (type: int, default: 30)
--scope.tag_limit TAG_LIMIT
Limit the number of recent tags to be discovered. Scoping to tag names is done on the limited tag list. Limit
applies also to the past_days filter. 0 for no limit, default is 10. (type: int, default: 10)
--broad Retrieves limited information (only jf-repositories and repositories) (default: False)
ECR Discovery
ECR discovery samples the following assets: ECR repositories, Image repositories, and Image Tags.
For example \<account\>
- ``<account>`: Instance URL
A image Repository, Includes a set of Image Tags.my_image:latest
A image Repository.
usage: platforms [options] discover [options] ecr [-h] [--instance INSTANCE]
[--types {aws-account,repository,repository_tags,all} [{aws-account,repository,repository_tags,all} ...]]
[--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [ [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]]
[--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]]
[--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]] [ [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]]
[--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]]
[--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]] [--scope.past_days PAST_DAYS]
[--scope.tag_limit TAG_LIMIT] [--broad]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance INSTANCE ECR instance string (default: )
--types {aws-account,repository,repository_tags,all} [{aws-account,repository,repository_tags,all} ...]
Defines which asset to discover, scoped by scope parameters (default: [])
--token TOKEN ECR token (ECR_LOGIN_TOKEN) (default: )
--url URL ECR base URL (default: null) [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]
ECR repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
ECR Image repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
ECR Image tags (default: ['*'])
--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]
ECR Image platform (default: ['*']) [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]
ECR repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
ECR Image repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
ECR tags to exclude (default: [])
--scope.past_days PAST_DAYS
Ignore tags pushed earlier that previous to this number of days (type: int, default: 30)
--scope.tag_limit TAG_LIMIT
Limit the number of recent tags to be discovered. Scoping to tag names is done on the limited tag list. Limit
applies also to the past_days filter. 0 for no limit, default is 10. (type: int, default: 10)
--broad Retrieves limited information (only aws-account and repository) (default: False)
BitBucket Discovery
BitBucket discovery samples the following assets: workspaces, projects, repositories, user, branches, commits, protected_branches and webhooks.
usage: platforms [options] discover [options] bitbucket [-h] [--instance INSTANCE]
[--types {workspace,project,repository,branch,commit,authenticated_user,webhooks,repo_permission,user_permission,branch_protection,token,all} [{workspace,project,repository,branch,commit,authenticated_user,webhooks,repo_permission,user_permission,branch_protection,token,all} ...]]
[--app_password APP_PASSWORD] [--username USERNAME]
[--workspace_token WORKSPACE_TOKEN] [--workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME] --url URL
[--scope.workspace [WORKSPACE ...]] [--scope.project [PROJECT ...]]
[--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.commit [COMMIT ...]]
[--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]] [--scope.webhook [WEBHOOK ...]] [--commit.skip]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance INSTANCE BitBucket instance string (default: )
--types {workspace,project,repository,branch,commit,authenticated_user,webhooks,repo_permission,user_permission,branch_protection,token,all} [{workspace,project,repository,branch,commit,authenticated_user,webhooks,repo_permission,user_permission,branch_protection,token,all} ...]
Defines which asset to discover, scoped by scope parameters (default: [])
--app_password APP_PASSWORD
BitBucket app_password (BB_PASSWORD) (default: )
--username USERNAME BitBucket username (default: null)
--workspace_token WORKSPACE_TOKEN
BitBucket workspace_token can be used with --workspace_name flag instead of --app_password and --username
(BB_WORKSPACE_TOKEN) (default: )
--workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME
BitBucket workspace_name can be used with --workspace_token flag instead of --app_password and --username
(default: null)
--url URL BitBucket URL (required)
--scope.workspace [WORKSPACE ...]
BitBucket workspace list (default: ['*'])
--scope.project [PROJECT ...]
BitBucket projects wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its
namesapce in the format 'namespace / project_name' (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
BitBucket repositories wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its
namesapce in the format 'namespace / project_name' (default: ['*'])
--scope.commit [COMMIT ...]
BitBucket commit wildcards (default: [])
--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]
BitBucket branches wildcards (default: [])
--scope.webhook [WEBHOOK ...]
BitBucket webhook wildcards (default: [])
--commit.skip Skip commits in discovery/evidence (default: False)
--broad Retrieves limited information (only workspaces, repositories) (default: False)
Jenkins Discovery
Jenkins discovery samples the following assets: instance, folders, jobs, job_runs, credential_stores, users, computer_set, security_settings.
usage: platforms [options] discover [options] jenkins [-h] [--instance INSTANCE] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--url URL]
[--types {all,computer_set,users,jobs,job_runs,credential_stores,plugins,security_settings,all} [{all,computer_set,users,jobs,job_runs,credential_stores,plugins,security_settings,all} ...]]
[--credential_stores.skip] [--users.skip] [--plugins.skip]
[--security_settings.skip] [--computer_set.skip] [--jobs.skip]
[--scope.folder [FOLDER ...]] [--exclude.folder [FOLDER ...]]
[--scope.job_runs.past_days PAST_DAYS] [--scope.job_runs.max MAX]
[--scope.job_runs.analyzed_logs] [--job_runs.skip]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance INSTANCE Jenkins instance string (default: )
--username USERNAME Jenkins username (default: )
--password PASSWORD Jenkins token (JENKINS_PASSWORD) (default: )
--url URL Jenkins base URL (default: null)
--broad Perform a fast broad discovery instead of a detailed one (default: False)
--types {all,computer_set,users,jobs,job_runs,credential_stores,plugins,security_settings,all} [{all,computer_set,users,jobs,job_runs,credential_stores,plugins,security_settings,all} ...]
Defines which asset to discover, scoped by scope parameters (default: ['all'])
Skip credential stores (default: False)
--users.skip Skip users (default: False)
--plugins.skip Skip plugins (default: False)
Skip security_settings (default: False)
--computer_set.skip Skip computer sets in discovery/evidence (default: False)
--jobs.skip Skip jobs (default: False)
--scope.folder [FOLDER ...]
Jenkins folder/job list. Default is all folders. The folder scoping is defined as a path of folders and can
include the job name in order to scope specific jobs. Wildcard is supported only as a suffix. examples: folder-a*
will discover all folders that are included in a root folder that starts with folder-a. folder-a/* will discover
all folders and jobs under the root folder folder-a (type: JenkinsFolderScope, default: ['*'])
--exclude.folder [FOLDER ...]
Jenkins folder/job list to exclude from discovery. Format is like the --scope.folder argument (type:
JenkinsFolderScope, default: [])
--scope.job_runs.past_days PAST_DAYS
Number of past days to include in the job run discovery, 0 for no time limit (type: int, default: 30)
--scope.job_runs.max MAX
Mam number of job runs to include in the job run discovery. This argument will limit the number of job runs in
the past_days range. 0 for no limit (type: int, default: 10)
Include analyzed job run logs (default: False)
--job_runs.skip Skip commits in discovery/evidence (default: False)