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The BOM Command

The BOM command is used to generate SBOMs of assets. Currently, we support generating SBOMs of DockerHub images and K8s clusters. This command enables users to generate SBOMs on scale.

Common Options

usage: platforms [options] bom [-h] [--allow-failures] [--save-scan-plan] [--dry-run] [--monitor.mount MOUNT] [--monitor.threshold THRESHOLD] [--monitor.clean-docker]
[--max-threads MAX_THREADS] [--valint.scribe.client-secret CLIENT_SECRET] [--valint.scribe.enable] [--valint.cache.disable]
[--valint.context-type CONTEXT_TYPE] [--valint.log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--valint.output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [--valint.bin BIN]
[--valint.product-key PRODUCT_KEY] [--valint.product-version PRODUCT_VERSION] [--valint.predicate-type PREDICATE_TYPE] [--valint.attest ATTEST]
[--valint.sign] [--valint.components COMPONENTS] [--valint.label LABEL] [--unique]
{gitlab,k8s,dockerhub,github,jfrog,ecr,bitbucket} ...

Export bom data

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--allow-failures Allow failures without returning an error code (default: False)
--save-scan-plan Save scan plan (default: False)
--dry-run Dry run (default: False)
--monitor.mount MOUNT
Monitor disk usage - mount path (type: str, default: )
--monitor.threshold THRESHOLD
Monitor disk usage - threshold (type: int, default: 90)
Monitor disk usage - auto clean docker cache (default: False)
--max-threads MAX_THREADS
Number of threads used to run valint (type: int, default: 10)
--valint.scribe.client-secret CLIENT_SECRET, --scribe-token CLIENT_SECRET, --scribe-client-secret CLIENT_SECRET
Scribe client Secret (type: str, default: )
Enable Scribe client (default: False)
Disable Valint local cache (default: False)
--valint.context-type CONTEXT_TYPE
Valint context type (type: str, default: )
--valint.log-level LOG_LEVEL
Valint log level (type: str, default: )
--valint.output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
Local evidence cache directory (type: str, default: )
--valint.bin BIN Valint CLI binary path (type: str, default: /home/mikey/.scribe/bin/valint)
--valint.product-key PRODUCT_KEY
Evidence product key (type: str, default: factory)
--valint.product-version PRODUCT_VERSION
Evidence product version (type: str, default: )
--valint.predicate-type PREDICATE_TYPE
Evidence predicate type (type: str, default:
--valint.attest ATTEST
Evidence attest type (type: str, default: x509-env)
--valint.sign sign evidence (default: False)
--valint.components COMPONENTS
components list (type: str, default: )
--valint.label LABEL Set additional labels (type: <function <lambda> at 0x705649776b60>, default: [])
--unique Allow unique assets (default: False)

For more details of each subcommand, add it as an argument followed by --help.

Available subcommands:

DockerHub BOM

To generate SBOMs of DockerHub images:

platforms bom dockerhub --image.mapping "my-namespace/my-image:my-tag::my-product::1.0"

Note that the image characterization string is a wildcarded string, some useful valid examples are:

  • *:latest - all images with the latest tag.
  • my-namespace/*:latest - all images in the my-namespace with the latest tag.
  • *postgres* - all images with the word "postgres" in the name.
usage: platforms [options] bom [options] dockerhub [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--token TOKEN] [--url URL]
[--default_product_key_strategy {namespace,repository,tag,mapping}]
[--default_product_version_strategy {tag,short_image_id,image_id}] [--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]]
[--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]] [--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]]
[--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]] [--scope.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]]
[--image.mapping [MAPPING ...]]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
Dockerhub instance string (default: )
--username USERNAME Dockerhub username (default: null)
--password PASSWORD Dockerhub password (DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD) (default: null)
--token TOKEN Dockerhub token (default: null)
--url URL Dockerhub base URL (default:
--default_product_key_strategy {namespace,repository,tag,mapping}
Override product key with namespace, repository or image names (default: mapping)
--default_product_version_strategy {tag,short_image_id,image_id}
Override product version with tag or image id (default: short_image_id)
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Dockerhub repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
Dockerhub tags (default: ['*'])
--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]
Dockerhub Image platform (default: ['*'])
--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Dockerhub repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
Dockerhub tags to exclude (default: [])
--scope.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]
Dockerhub namespaces (default: ['*'])
--image.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Image product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])


To generate SBOMs of K8s images:

platforms bom k8s --image.mapping "my-namespace::my-pod::my-image::my-product::1.0"

Note that the image characterization string is a wildcarded string, with separate sections for namespace, pod, and image. Some useful valid examples are:

  • *::*::*:latest - all cluster images with the latest tag.
  • prod*::*::my-image-prefix* - all images in the prod* namespace with the my-image-prefix as the prefix of their name.
  • prod*::*::*:latest - all images in the prod* namespace with the latest tag.
usage: platforms [options] bom [options] k8s [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--url URL] [--token TOKEN] [--types {namespace,pod,all}]
[--default_product_key_strategy {namespace,pod,image,mapping}] [--default_product_version_strategy {namespace_hash,pod_hash,image_id}]
[--scope.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]] [--scope.pod [POD ...]] [--scope.image [IMAGE ...]] [--ignore-state]
[--exclude.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]] [--exclude.pod [POD ...]] [--exclude.image [IMAGE ...]] [--image.mapping [MAPPING ...]]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
Kubernetes instance string (default: )
--url URL Kubernetes API URL (required, default: )
--token TOKEN Kubernetes token, with access to pods and secrets (K8S_TOKEN) (default: )
--types {namespace,pod,all}
Defines which evidence to create, scoped by scope parameters (default: all)
--default_product_key_strategy {namespace,pod,image,mapping}
Override product key with namespace, pod or image names (default: mapping)
--default_product_version_strategy {namespace_hash,pod_hash,image_id}
Override product version with namespace, pod or image names (default: namespace_hash)
--scope.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]
Kubernetes namespaces wildcard list (default: ['*'])
--scope.pod [POD ...]
Kubernetes pods wildcard list (default: ['*'])
--scope.image [IMAGE ...]
Kubernetes images wildcard list (default: ['*'])
--ignore-state Filter out containers that are not running (default: False)
--exclude.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]
Namespaces to exclude from discovery process (default: [])
--exclude.pod [POD ...]
Pods to exclude from discovery process (default: [])
--exclude.image [IMAGE ...]
Images to exclude from discovery process (default: [])
--image.mapping [MAPPING ...]
K8s namespace;pod;image to product_key:product_version mappinge.g. my-namespace::my-pod::my-image::product_key::product_version (type: K8sImageMappingString,
default: [])

Jfrog BOM

To generate SBOMs of Jfrog images:

platforms bom jfrog --image.mapping "my_jfrog_registry/my-image:my-tag::my-product::1.0"

Note that the image characterization string is a wildcarded string, some useful valid examples are:

  • *:latest - all images with the latest tag.
  • my_jfrog_registry/*:latest - all images in the my_jfrog_registry with the latest tag.
  • *postgres* - all images with the word "postgres" in the name.
usage: platforms [options] bom [options] jfrog [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [--default_product_key_strategy {jf-repository,repository,tag,mapping}]
[--default_product_version_strategy {tag,short_image_id,image_id}] [--scope.jf-repository [JF_REPOSITORY ...]]
[--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]] [--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]]
[--exclude.jf-repository [JF_REPOSITORY ...]] [--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]]
[--image.mapping [MAPPING ...]]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
Jfrog instance string (default: )
--token TOKEN Jfrog token (JFROG_TOKEN) (default: null)
--url URL Jfrog base URL (default: )
--default_product_key_strategy {jf-repository,repository,tag,mapping}
Override product key with jf-repository, repository or image names (default: mapping)
--default_product_version_strategy {tag,short_image_id,image_id}
Override product version with tag or image id (default: short_image_id)
--scope.jf-repository [JF_REPOSITORY ...]
Jfrog repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Jfrog Image repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
Jfrog Image tags (default: ['*'])
--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]
Jfrog Image platform (default: ['*'])
--exclude.jf-repository [JF_REPOSITORY ...]
Jfrog repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Jfrog Image repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
Jfrog tags to exclude (default: [])
--image.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Image product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])


To generate SBOMs of ECR images:

platforms bom ecr --image.mapping "*.dkr.ecr.**::my-product::1.0"
usage: platforms [options] bom [options] ecr [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--default_product_key_strategy {aws-account,repository,tag,mapping}]
[ [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]] [--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]]
[--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]] [ [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]] [--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]]
[--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]] [--url URL] [--image.mapping [MAPPING ...]]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
ECR instance string (default: )
--default_product_key_strategy {aws-account,repository,tag,mapping}
Override product key with aws-account, repository or image names (default: mapping) [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]
ECR repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
ECR Image repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
ECR Image tags (default: ['*'])
--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]
ECR Image platform (default: ['*']) [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]
ECR repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
ECR Image repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
ECR tags to exclude (default: [])
--url URL ECR base URL (default: null)
--image.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Image product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])

BitBucket BOM

To generate SBOMs of Jfrog images:

platforms bom bitbucket --repository.mapping "my_repository::my-product::1.0"

Note that the image characterization string is a wildcarded string, some useful valid examples are:

  • my_repository - specific repository
  • *test* - all repositories with the word "test" in the name.
usage: platforms [options] bom [options] bitbucket [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--app_password APP_PASSWORD] [--username USERNAME] [--workspace_token WORKSPACE_TOKEN]
[--workspace WORKSPACE] [--url URL] [--types {repository,all}] [--scope.workspace [WORKSPACE ...]] [--scope.project [PROJECT ...]]
[--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.commit [COMMIT ...]] [--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]] [--scope.webhook [WEBHOOK ...]]
[--commit.skip] [--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}] [--workspace.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--project.mapping [MAPPING ...]]
[--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
BitBucket instance string (default: )
--app_password APP_PASSWORD
BitBucket app_password (BB_PASSWORD) (default: )
--username USERNAME BitBucket username (default: null)
--workspace_token WORKSPACE_TOKEN
BitBucket workspace_token can be used with --workspace_name flag instead of --app_password and --username (BB_WORKSPACE_TOKEN) (default: )
--workspace WORKSPACE
BitBucket workspace_name can be used with --workspace_token flag instead of --app_password and --username (default: )
--url URL BitBucket URL (required, default:
--types {repository,all}
Specifies the type of evidence to generate, scoped by scope parameters (default: repository)
--scope.workspace [WORKSPACE ...]
BitBucket workspace list (default: ['*'])
--scope.project [PROJECT ...]
BitBucket projects wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its namesapce in the format 'namespace / project_name'
(default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
BitBucket repositories wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its namesapce in the format 'namespace /
project_name' (default: ['*'])
--scope.commit [COMMIT ...]
BitBucket commit wildcards (default: [])
--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]
BitBucket branches wildcards (default: [])
--scope.webhook [WEBHOOK ...]
BitBucket webhook wildcards (default: [])
--commit.skip Skip commits in discovery/evidence (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}
Deferment product key by mapping. In the future - we shall support by reopsitory name too. (default: mapping)
--workspace.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Workspace product key mapping in the format of workspace::product_key::product_version where org is the workspace name, wildcards are supported (type:
AssetMappingString, default: [])
--project.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Project product key mapping in the format of project::product_key::product_version where org is the project name, wildcards are supported (type:
AssetMappingString, default: [])
--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository product key mapping in the format of repo::product_key::product_version where repo is the repository name, wildcards are supported (type:
AssetMappingString, default: [])

Github BOM

To generate SBOMs of Github images:

platforms bom github --repository.mapping "my_repository::my-product::1.0"

Note that the image characterization string is a wildcarded string, some useful valid examples are:

  • my_repository - specific repository
  • *test* - all repositories with the word "test" in the name.
usage: platforms [options] bom [options] github [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [--types {repository,all}] [--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]]
[--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]] [--scope.tag [TAG ...]] [--branch.shallow] [--commit.skip]
[--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}] [--organization.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
Github instance string (default: )
--token TOKEN Github token (GITHUB_TOKEN, GH_TOKEN) (default: )
--url URL Github base URL (default:
--types {repository,all}
Specifies the type of evidence to generate, scoped by scope parameters (default: repository)
--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]
Github organization list (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Github repositories wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its namesapce in the format 'namespace / project_name'
(default: ['*'])
--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]
Github branches wildcards (default: [])
--scope.tag [TAG ...]
Github tags wildcards (default: [])
--branch.shallow Shallow branch discovery (default: False)
--commit.skip Skip commits in discovery/evidence (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}
Deferment product key by mapping. In the future - we shall support by reopsitory name too. (default: mapping)
--organization.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Organization product key mapping in the format of org::product_key::product_version where org is the organization name, wildcards are supported (type:
AssetMappingString, default: [])
--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository product key mapping in the format of repo::product_key::product_version where repo is the repository name, wildcards are supported (type:
AssetMappingString, default: [])

Gitlab BOM

To generate SBOMs of Jfrog images:

platforms bom gitlab --project.mapping"my_project::my-product::1.0"

Note that the image characterization string is a wildcarded string, some useful valid examples are:

  • my_project - specific project.
  • *test* - all repositories with the word "test" in the name.
usage: platforms [options] bom [options] gitlab [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [--types {project,all}] [--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]]
[--scope.project [PROJECT ...]] [--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]] [--scope.tag [TAG ...]] [--commit.skip] [--pipeline.skip]
[--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}] [--organization.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--project.mapping [MAPPING ...]]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
Gitlab instance string (default: )
--token TOKEN Gitlab token (GITLAB_TOKEN, CI_JOB_TOKEN) (default: )
--url URL Gitlab base URL (default:
--types {project,all}
Specifies the type of evidence to generate, scoped by scope parameters (default: all)
--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]
Gitlab organization list (default: ['*'])
--scope.project [PROJECT ...]
Gitlab projects epositories wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its namesapce in the format 'namespace /
project_name' (default: ['*'])
--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]
Gitlab branches wildcards (default: null)
--scope.tag [TAG ...]
Gitlab tags wildcards (default: null)
--commit.skip Skip commits in evidence (default: False)
--pipeline.skip Skip pipeline (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}
Override product key with namespace, pod or image names (default: mapping)
--organization.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Organization product key mapping in the format of to organization::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--project.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Project product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])