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The Evidence Command

Note: The evidence command is deprecated. Please use the discover command instead.

This command is used for uploading evidence, based on the assets discovered in the previous step, to the attestation store. This command is for creating platform evidence; creating SBOMs of assets such as DockerHub images is done through the bom command.

The evidence command uses Scribe's valint tool to upload the evidence and to sign it if necessary. Documentation of the valint tool can be found here.

Common Options

usage: platforms [options] evidence [-h] [--evidence.local.path PATH] [--evidence.local.prefix PREFIX] [--evidence.local_only] [--max-threads MAX_THREADS]
[--thread-timeout THREAD_TIMEOUT] [--rate-limit-retry RATE_LIMIT_RETRY] [--allow-failures] [--export-partial] [--skip-evidence]
[--valint.scribe.client-secret CLIENT_SECRET] [--valint.scribe.enable] [--valint.cache.disable] [--valint.context-type CONTEXT_TYPE]
[--valint.log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--valint.output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [--valint.bin BIN] [--valint.product-key PRODUCT_KEY]
[--valint.product-version PRODUCT_VERSION] [--valint.predicate-type PREDICATE_TYPE] [--valint.attest ATTEST] [--valint.sign]
[--valint.components COMPONENTS] [--valint.label LABEL] [--unique]
{gitlab,k8s,dockerhub,github,jfrog,ecr,jenkins,bitbucket} ...

Export evidence data (Deprecated)

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--evidence.local.path PATH
Local report export directory path (type: str, default: output)
--evidence.local.prefix PREFIX
Local report export prefix (type: str, default: )
Only export local evidence (default: False)
--max-threads MAX_THREADS
Main Pool max threads used to parallelize evidence collection (type: int, default: 10)
--thread-timeout THREAD_TIMEOUT
Thread timeout in seconds (type: float, default: 20.0)
--rate-limit-retry RATE_LIMIT_RETRY
Retry on rate limit (type: int, default: 3)
--allow-failures Allow failures without returning an error code (default: False)
--export-partial Upload Partial Discover evidence (default: False)
--skip-evidence Skip evidence upload (default: False)
--valint.scribe.client-secret CLIENT_SECRET, --scribe-token CLIENT_SECRET, --scribe-client-secret CLIENT_SECRET
Scribe client Secret (type: str, default: )
Enable Scribe client (default: False)
Disable Valint local cache (default: False)
--valint.context-type CONTEXT_TYPE
Valint context type (type: str, default: )
--valint.log-level LOG_LEVEL
Valint log level (type: str, default: )
--valint.output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
Local evidence cache directory (type: str, default: )
--valint.bin BIN Valint CLI binary path (type: str, default: /home/mikey/.scribe/bin/valint)
--valint.product-key PRODUCT_KEY
Evidence product key (type: str, default: factory)
--valint.product-version PRODUCT_VERSION
Evidence product version (type: str, default: )
--valint.predicate-type PREDICATE_TYPE
Evidence predicate type (type: str, default:
--valint.attest ATTEST
Evidence attest type (type: str, default: x509-env)
--valint.sign sign evidence (default: False)
--valint.components COMPONENTS
components list (type: str, default: )
--valint.label LABEL Set additional labels (type: <function <lambda> at 0x7b9df7c3ff60>, default: [])
--unique Allow unique assets (default: False)

For more details of each subcommand, add it as an argument followed by --help.

Available subcommands:

Gitlab Evidence

Gitlab evidence supports the generation of organization evidence and project evidence.

To generate evidence for a Gitlab account:

platforms evidence gitlab --organization.mapping "my-org::my-product::1.0" --project.mapping "my-project::my-product::1.0"
usage: platforms [options] evidence [options] gitlab [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [--types {organization,project,all}]
[--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]] [--scope.project [PROJECT ...]] [--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]] [--scope.tag [TAG ...]]
[--commit.skip] [--pipeline.skip] [--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}] [--organization.mapping [MAPPING ...]]
[--project.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--organization.single] [--project.single]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
Gitlab instance string (default: )
--token TOKEN Gitlab token (GITLAB_TOKEN, CI_JOB_TOKEN) (default: )
--url URL Gitlab base URL (default:
--types {organization,project,all}
Defines which evidence to create, scoped by scope parameters (default: all)
--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]
Gitlab organization list (default: ['*'])
--scope.project [PROJECT ...]
Gitlab projects epositories wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its namesapce in the format 'namespace /
project_name' (default: ['*'])
--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]
Gitlab branches wildcards (default: null)
--scope.tag [TAG ...]
Gitlab tags wildcards (default: null)
--commit.skip Skip commits in evidence (default: False)
--pipeline.skip Skip pipeline (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}
Override product key with namespace, pod or image names (default: mapping)
--organization.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Organization product key mapping in the format of to organization::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--project.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Project product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
Export all organizations in a single evidence (default: False)
--project.single Export all projects in a single evidence (default: False)

Github Evidence

Github evidence supports the generation of organization evidence and repository evidence.

To generate evidence for a Github account:

platforms evidence github --organization.mapping "my-org::my-product::1.0" --repository.mapping "my-repository::my-product::1.0"
usage: platforms [options] evidence [options] github [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [--types {organization,repository,all,all}]
[--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]] [--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]]
[--scope.tag [TAG ...]] [--branch.shallow] [--commit.skip] [--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}]
[--organization.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--organization.single] [--repository.single]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
Github instance string (default: )
--token TOKEN Github token (GITHUB_TOKEN, GH_TOKEN) (default: )
--url URL Github base URL (default:
--types {organization,repository,all,all}
Defines which evidence to create, scoped by scope parameters (default: all)
--scope.organization [ORGANIZATION ...]
Github organization list (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Github repositories wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its namesapce in the format 'namespace / project_name'
(default: ['*'])
--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]
Github branches wildcards (default: [])
--scope.tag [TAG ...]
Github tags wildcards (default: [])
--branch.shallow Shallow branch discovery (default: False)
--commit.skip Skip commits in discovery/evidence (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}
Deferment product key by mapping. In the future - we shall support by reopsitory name too. (default: mapping)
--organization.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Organization product key mapping in the format of org::product_key::product_version where org is the organization name, wildcards are supported (type:
AssetMappingString, default: [])
--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository product key mapping in the format of repo::product_key::product_version where repo is the repository name, wildcards are supported (type:
AssetMappingString, default: [])
Export all organizations in a single evidence (default: False)
--repository.single Export all repos in a single evidence (default: False)

DockerHub evidence

DockerHub evidence generation supports the generation of namespace and repository evidence. The evidence includes information about the repositories, tags, and access tokens.

To generate evidence for a DockerHub account:

platforms evidence dockerhub --namespace.mapping "my-namespace::my-product::1.0" --repository.mapping "my-repo::my-product::1.0"
usage: platforms [options] evidence [options] dockerhub [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--types {instance,token,repository,namespace,repository_tag,webhook,all}]
[--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--token TOKEN] [--url URL] [--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]]
[--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]] [--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]]
[--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]] [--scope.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]]
[--namespace.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--instance.mapping [MAPPING ...]]
[--namespace.single] [--repository.single] [--default_product_key_strategy {mapping,mapping,mapping,mapping}]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
Dockerhub instance string (default: )
--types {instance,token,repository,namespace,repository_tag,webhook,all}
Defines which evidence to create, scoped by scope parameters (default: all)
--username USERNAME Dockerhub username (default: null)
--password PASSWORD Dockerhub password (DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD) (default: null)
--token TOKEN Dockerhub token (default: null)
--url URL Dockerhub base URL (default:
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Dockerhub repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
Dockerhub tags (default: ['*'])
--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]
Dockerhub Image platform (default: ['*'])
--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
Dockerhub repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
Dockerhub tags to exclude (default: [])
--scope.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]
Dockerhub namespaces (default: ['*'])
--namespace.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--instance.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository tag product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--namespace.single Export all namespaces in a single evidence (default: False)
--repository.single Export all repositories in a single evidence (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {mapping,mapping,mapping,mapping}
Override product key with namespace, repository or image names (default: mapping)

K8s Evidence

K8s evidence generation supports the generation of namespace and pod evidence. Namespace evidence includes secrets metadata (if it was not scoped out) To generate evidence for a K8s cluster:

platforms evidence k8s --namespace.mapping "my-namespace::my-product::1.0" --pod.mapping "my-pod::my-product::1.0"
usage: platforms [options] evidence [options] k8s [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--types {namespace,pod,all}] [--scope.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]] [--scope.pod [POD ...]]
[--scope.image [IMAGE ...]] [--ignore-state] [--exclude.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]] [--exclude.pod [POD ...]]
[--exclude.image [IMAGE ...]] [--default_product_key_strategy {namespace,pod,image,mapping}] [--secret.skip] [--url URL]
[--token TOKEN] [--namespace.single] [--pod.single] [--namespace.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--pod.mapping [MAPPING ...]]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
Kubernetes instance string (default: )
--types {namespace,pod,all}
Defines which evidence to create, scoped by scope parameters (default: all)
--scope.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]
Kubernetes namespaces wildcard list (default: ['*'])
--scope.pod [POD ...]
Kubernetes pods wildcard list (default: ['*'])
--scope.image [IMAGE ...]
Kubernetes images wildcard list (default: ['*'])
--ignore-state Filter out containers that are not running (default: False)
--exclude.namespace [NAMESPACE ...]
Namespaces to exclude from discovery process (default: [])
--exclude.pod [POD ...]
Pods to exclude from discovery process (default: [])
--exclude.image [IMAGE ...]
Images to exclude from discovery process (default: [])
--default_product_key_strategy {namespace,pod,image,mapping}
Override product key with namespace, pod or image names (default: mapping)
--secret.skip Skip secrets information in the evidence (default: False)
--url URL Kubernetes API URL (required, default: )
--token TOKEN Kubernetes token, with access to pods and secrets (K8S_TOKEN) (default: )
--namespace.single Export all namespaces (default: False)
--pod.single Export all pods in a single evidence (default: False)
--namespace.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Namespace product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--pod.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Pod product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])

Jfrog evidence

Jfrog evidence generation supports the generation of namespace and repository evidence. The evidence includes information about the repositories, tags, and access tokens.

To generate evidence for a Jfrog account:

platforms evidence jfrog --jf-repository.mapping "*::my-product::1.0" --namespace.mapping "my-namespace::my-product::1.0" --repository.mapping "*my-repo::my-product::1.0"
usage: platforms [options] evidence [options] ecr [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--url URL] [--types {instance,aws-account,repository,all}]
[ [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]] [--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]]
[--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]] [ [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]] [--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]]
[--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]] [--aws-account.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]]
[--aws-account.single] [--repository.single] [--default_product_key_strategy {instance,aws-account,repository,tag,mapping}]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
ECR instance string (default: )
--url URL ECR base URL (default: null)
--types {instance,aws-account,repository,all}
Defines which evidence to create, scoped by scope parameters (default: all) [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]
ECR repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
ECR Image repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
ECR Image tags (default: ['*'])
--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]
ECR Image platform (default: ['*']) [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]
ECR repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
ECR Image repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
ECR tags to exclude (default: [])
--aws-account.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository image_tags product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--aws-account.single Export all aws-account in a single evidence (default: False)
--repository.single Export all repositories in a single evidence (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {instance,aws-account,repository,tag,mapping}
Override product key with aws-account, repository or image names (default: mapping)

ECR evidence

Jfrog evidence generation supports the generation of namespace and repository evidence. The evidence includes information about the repositories, tags, and access tokens.

To generate evidence for a ECR account:

platforms evidence ecr --repository.mapping "*my-service*::my-product::1.0" 
usage: platforms [options] evidence [options] ecr [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--url URL] [--types {instance,aws-account,repository,all}]
[ [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]] [--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]]
[--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]] [ [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]] [--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]]
[--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]] [--aws-account.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]]
[--aws-account.single] [--repository.single] [--default_product_key_strategy {instance,aws-account,repository,tag,mapping}]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
ECR instance string (default: )
--url URL ECR base URL (default: null)
--types {instance,aws-account,repository,all}
Defines which evidence to create, scoped by scope parameters (default: all) [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]
ECR repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
ECR Image repositories (default: ['*'])
--scope.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
ECR Image tags (default: ['*'])
--scope.image_platform [IMAGE_PLATFORM ...]
ECR Image platform (default: ['*']) [AWS_ACCOUNT ...]
ECR repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
ECR Image repository wildcards to exclude (default: [])
--exclude.repository_tags [REPOSITORY_TAGS ...]
ECR tags to exclude (default: [])
--aws-account.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository image_tags product key mapping in the format of asset::product_key::product_version (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--aws-account.single Export all aws-account in a single evidence (default: False)
--repository.single Export all repositories in a single evidence (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {instance,aws-account,repository,tag,mapping}
Override product key with aws-account, repository or image names (default: mapping)

BitBucket Evidence

BitBucket evidence supports the generation of workspace evidence and repository evidence.

To generate evidence for a BitBucket account:

platforms evidence bitbucker --workspace.mapping "my-workspace::my-product::1.0" --repository.mapping "my-repository::my-product::1.0"
usage: platforms [options] evidence [options] bitbucket [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--types {workspace,project,repository,all,all}] [--scope.workspace [WORKSPACE ...]]
[--scope.project [PROJECT ...]] [--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]] [--scope.commit [COMMIT ...]]
[--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]] [--scope.webhook [WEBHOOK ...]] [--commit.skip] [--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}]
[--workspace.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--project.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]]
[--workspace.single] [--project.single] [--repository.single]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
BitBucket instance string (default: )
--types {workspace,project,repository,all,all}
Defines which evidence to create, scoped by scope parameters (default: all)
--scope.workspace [WORKSPACE ...]
BitBucket workspace list (default: ['*'])
--scope.project [PROJECT ...]
BitBucket projects wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its namesapce in the format 'namespace / project_name'
(default: ['*'])
--scope.repository [REPOSITORY ...]
BitBucket repositories wildcards. Default is all projects. Note that a project name includes as a prefix its namesapce in the format 'namespace /
project_name' (default: ['*'])
--scope.commit [COMMIT ...]
BitBucket commit wildcards (default: [])
--scope.branch [BRANCH ...]
BitBucket branches wildcards (default: [])
--scope.webhook [WEBHOOK ...]
BitBucket webhook wildcards (default: [])
--commit.skip Skip commits in discovery/evidence (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}
Deferment product key by mapping. In the future - we shall support by reopsitory name too. (default: mapping)
--workspace.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Workspace product key mapping in the format of workspace::product_key::product_version where org is the workspace name, wildcards are supported (type:
AssetMappingString, default: [])
--project.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Project product key mapping in the format of project::product_key::product_version where org is the project name, wildcards are supported (type:
AssetMappingString, default: [])
--repository.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Repository product key mapping in the format of repo::product_key::product_version where repo is the repository name, wildcards are supported (type:
AssetMappingString, default: [])
--workspace.single Export all workspaces in a single evidence (default: False)
--project.single Export all projects in a single evidence (default: False)
--repository.single Export all repos in a single evidence (default: False)

Jenkins Evidence

Jenkins evidence supports the generation of instance evidence and folder evidence.

To generate evidence for a Jenkins account:

platforms evidence jenkins --instance-mapping "my-instance::my-product::1.0" --folder.mapping "my-folder::my-product::1.0"
usage: platforms [options] evidence [options] jenkins [-h] [--instance.instance INSTANCE] [--types {instance,folder,all,all}] [--credential_stores.skip] [--users.skip]
[--plugins.skip] [--security_settings.skip] [--computer_set.skip] [--jobs.skip] [--scope.folder [FOLDER ...]]
[--exclude.folder [FOLDER ...]] [--scope.job_runs.past_days PAST_DAYS] [--scope.job_runs.max MAX]
[--scope.job_runs.analyzed_logs] [--job_runs.skip] [--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}]
[--instance-mapping [INSTANCE_MAPPING ...]] [--folder.mapping [MAPPING ...]] [--folder.single]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--instance.instance INSTANCE
Jenkins instance string (default: )
--types {instance,folder,all,all}
Defines which evidence to create, scoped by scope parameters (default: all)
Skip credential stores (default: False)
--users.skip Skip users (default: False)
--plugins.skip Skip plugins (default: False)
Skip security_settings (default: False)
--computer_set.skip Skip computer sets in discovery/evidence (default: False)
--jobs.skip Skip jobs (default: False)
--scope.folder [FOLDER ...]
Jenkins folder/job list. Default is all folders. The folder scoping is defined as a path of folders and can include the job name in order to scope specific
jobs. Wildcard is supported only as a suffix. examples: folder-a* will discover all folders that are included in a root folder that starts with folder-a.
folder-a/* will discover all folders and jobs under the root folder folder-a (type: JenkinsFolderScope, default: ['*'])
--exclude.folder [FOLDER ...]
Jenkins folder/job list to exclude from discovery. Format is like the --scope.folder argument (type: JenkinsFolderScope, default: [])
--scope.job_runs.past_days PAST_DAYS
Number of past days to include in the job run discovery, 0 for no time limit (type: int, default: 30)
--scope.job_runs.max MAX
Mam number of job runs to include in the job run discovery. This argument will limit the number of job runs in the past_days range. 0 for no limit (type: int,
default: 10)
Include analyzed job run logs (default: False)
--job_runs.skip Skip commits in discovery/evidence (default: False)
--default_product_key_strategy {mapping}
Deferment product key by mapping. In the future - we shall support by folder name too. (default: mapping)
--instance-mapping [INSTANCE_MAPPING ...]
Instance product key mapping in the format of *::product_key::product_version, wildcards are supported (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--folder.mapping [MAPPING ...]
Folder product key mapping in the format of folder_path::product_key::product_version, wildcards are supported (type: AssetMappingString, default: [])
--folder.single Export all repos in a single evidence (default: False)