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Use the following instructions to integrate your Jenkins pipelines with Scribe.

1. Obtain a Scribe Hub API Token

Create an API token in Scribe Hub > Account > Tokens. Copy it to a safe temporary notepad until you complete the integration.


The token is a secret and will not be accessible from the UI after you finalize the token generation.

2. Add the API token to Jenkins secrets

  1. Log in to your Jenkins account and select Dashboard > Manage Jenkins > Manage credentials (under Security options).

    Jenkins Dashboard - Manage credentials
  2. Select 'Global' in the list of domains:

    Jenkins Global domain
  3. In the Global credentials section, click + Add Credentials. A new Credentials form opens.

    Jenkins Add Credentials
  4. Copy the Scribe Hub API Token to the Password field and set the username to SCRIBE_CLIENT_ID.

    Jenkins Credentials Username/Password
  5. Set ID to scribe-auth-id (lowercase).

    Jenkins Credentials ID
  6. Click Create.

    Jenkins Credentials Create

3. Install Scribe CLI

Valint - Scribe CLI is required to generate evidence such as SBOMs and SLSA provenance. Install Valint on your build runner with the following command:

sh 'curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./temp/bin'

Alternatively, add an installation stage at the beginning of your relevant builds as follows:

stage('install-valint') {
steps {
sh 'curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./temp/bin'

Note: To avoid potentially costly commits, add the Scribe output directory **/scribe to your .gitignore file.

4. Instrument your build scripts

Basic usage

Generate an SBOM of an image built in the pipeline by adding a step to call Valint at the end of the build.

Example Jenkinsfile in declarative syntax:

pipeline {
agent any
environment {
stages {
stage('install-valint') {
steps {
sh 'curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./temp/bin'

stage('bom') {
steps {
withCredentials([token(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', variable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
valint bom busybox:latest \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

Jenkinsfile scripted syntax:

node {
]) {
stage('install') {
sh 'curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./temp/bin'

stage('bom') {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
valint bom busybox:latest \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

Additional examples

Following are more examples of integration of Valint with Jenkins deployed in different forms. In these example we added Valint usage examples that generate source code SBOM by calling it in the build script right after the code is checked out and SLSA provenance generation.


Jenkins over Docker Make sure you have the following Jenkins extensions installed:

Example SLSA prvenance generation and verification
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('slsa-provenance') {
agent {
docker {
image 'scribesecurity/valint:latest'
reuseNode true
args "--entrypoint="
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')])
sh '''
valint slsa busybox:latest \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

stage('verify') {
agent {
docker {
image 'scribesecurity/valint:latest'
reuseNode true
args "--entrypoint="
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')])
sh '''
valint verify busybox:latest -i statement-slsa \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

Jenkins over Kubernetes


Jenkins over Kubernetes installed.

Example SBOM generation
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
yamlFile 'jenkins/k8s/scribe-test/KubernetesPod.yaml'

stages {
stage('checkout-bom') {
steps {
container('git') {
sh 'git clone -b v1.0.0-alpha.4 --single-branch mongo-express-scm'

container('valint') {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
valint bom dir:mongo-express-scm \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

stage('image-bom') {
steps {
container('valint') {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
valint bom mongo-express:1.0.0-alpha.4 \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

This example uses Jenkins over k8s plugin with the Pod template as follows:

some-label: jsl-scribe-test
- name: jnlp
value: jnlp
- name: valint
image: scribesecurity/valint:latest
- cat
tty: true
- name: git
image: alpine/git
- cat
tty: true
Example SLSA generationa nd verification
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes {
yamlFile './KubernetesPod.yaml'
stages {
stage('slsa-provenance') {
steps {
container('valint') {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
valint slsa mongo-express:1.0.0-alpha.4 \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

stage('verify') {
steps {
container('valint') {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
valint verify mongo-express:1.0.0-alpha.4 -i statement-slsa \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

This example uses Jenkins over k8s plugin with the Pod template defined as follows:

some-label: jsl-scribe-test
- name: jnlp
value: jnlp
- name: valint
image: scribesecurity/valint:latest
- cat
tty: true
- name: git
image: alpine/git
- cat
tty: true

See Also Jenkins over Kubernetes documentation

Vanilla Jenkins (without an agent)


curl installed on your build node in Jenkins.

Sample integration code
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
stages {
stage('install') {
steps {
sh 'curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./temp/bin'
stage('checkout') {
steps {
sh 'git clone -b v1.0.0-alpha.4 --single-branch mongo-express-scm'

stage('dir-bom') {
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
valint bom dir:mongo-express-scm \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

stage('image-bom') {
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
valint bom mongo-express:1.0.0-alpha.4 \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint testing \

Example SLSA provenance
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('install') {
steps {
sh 'curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./temp/bin'

stage('slsa-provenance') {
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
valint slsa busybox:latest \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

stage('image-bom') {
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', passwordVariable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
valint verify busybox:latest -i statement-slsa \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint testing \


Using an OCI registry as an evidence store instead of Scribe Hub For on-prem deployment scenarios where you do not want to utilize Scribe Hub as a SaaS you can store, retrieve, and verify evidence with an OCI Resitry (learn more)

Related flags:

  • --oci Enable OCI store.
  • --oci-repo - Evidence store location.
  1. Allow Valint Read and Write access to this registry.
  2. Login to the registry, for example with docker login.

Basic usage

A basic usage generating SBOM of an image built in the pipeline by adding a step to call Valint at the end of the build.

Example Jenkinsfile in declarative syntax:

pipeline {
agent any
environment {
stages {
stage('install') {
steps {
sh 'curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./temp/bin'
stage('bom') {
steps {
sh '''
valint [bom,slsa,evidence] [target] \
-o [attest, statement] \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \
--oci --oci-repo=[my_repo]

stage('verify') {
steps {
sh '''
valint verify [target] \
-i [attest, statement, attest-slsa, statement-slsa, attest-generic, statement-generic] \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \
--oci --oci-repo=[my_repo] '''

Example Jenkinsfile in scripted syntax.

node {
]) {
stage('install') {
sh 'curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./temp/bin -D'
stage('bom') {
sh '''
valint [bom,slsa,evidence] [target] \
-o [attest, statement] \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \
--oci --oci-repo=[my_repo] '''

stage('verify') {
token(credentialsId: 'scribe-auth-id', variable: 'SCRIBE_TOKEN')
]) {
sh '''
valint verify [target] \
-i [attest, statement, attest-slsa, statement-slsa, attest-generic, statement-generic] \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \
--oci --oci-repo=[my_repo] '''

5. Signing with x509 keys

You can sign evidence with x509 file based keys.

Related flags:

  • --key x509 Private key path.
  • --cert - x509 Certificate path.
  • --ca - x509 CA Chain path.

While using x509, for example valint slsa busybox:latest --attest.default x509 --key my_key.pem ..

Related environment:

  • ATTEST_KEY x509 Private key pem
  • ATTEST_CERT x509 Cert pem
  • ATTEST_CA x509 CA Chain pem

While using x509-env, for example ATTEST_KEY=$(cat my_key.pem) .. valint slsa busybox:latest --attest.default x509-env

While using x509-env Refrain from using slsa command --all-env

Further secure access to attest-key credential is recommended, for example using a Role-Based Access Control plugin.

Example of generating and verifying a SLSA provenance attestation
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'attest-key', variable: 'ATTEST_KEY_PATH'),
file(credentialsId: 'attest-cert', variable: 'ATTEST_CERT_PATH'),
file(credentialsId: 'attest-ca', variable: 'ATTEST_CA_PATH')
sh '''
valint slsa [target] \
--context-type jenkins \
-o attest \
--attest.default x509 \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \


withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'attest-cert', variable: 'ATTEST_CERT_PATH'),
file(credentialsId: 'attest-ca', variable: 'ATTEST_CA_PATH')
sh '''
valint verify [target] \
--context-type jenkins \
-i attest-slsa \
--attest.default x509 \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \

Using custom x509 keys

x509 signer allows you store utilize file based keys for signing.

Related flags:

  • --key x509 Private key path.
  • --cert - x509 Certificate path.
  • --ca - x509 CA Chain path.

While using x509, for example valint slsa busybox:latest --attest.default x509 --key my_key.pem ..

Related environment:

  • ATTEST_KEY x509 Private key pem content.
  • ATTEST_CERT - x509 Cert pem content.
  • ATTEST_CA - x509 CA Chain pem content.

While using x509-env, for example ATTEST_KEY=$(cat my_key.pem) .. valint slsa busybox:latest --attest.default x509-env

While using x509-env Refrain from using slsa command --all-env

Alternative evidence stores

You can learn more about alternative stores here.

OCI Evidence store

Valint supports both storage and verification flows for attestations and statement objects utilizing OCI registry as an evidence store.

Using OCI registry as an evidence store allows you to upload, download and verify evidence across your supply chain in a seamless manner.

Related flags:

  • --oci Enable OCI store.
  • --oci-repo - Evidence store location.

Before you begin

Evidence can be stored in any accusable registry.

  • Write access is required for upload (generate).
  • Read access is required for download (verify).

You must first login with the required access privileges to your registry before calling Valint. For example, using docker login command or Docker Pipeline custom registry.


Following is a Jenkinsfile in the declarative syntax.

pipeline {
agent any
environment {
stages {
stage('install') {
steps {
sh 'curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./temp/bin'
stage('bom') {
steps {
sh '''
valint [bom,slsa,evidence] [target] \
-o [attest, statement] \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \
--oci --oci-repo=[my_repo] '''

stage('verify') {
steps {
sh '''
valint verify [target] \
-i [attest, statement, attest-slsa, statement-slsa, attest-generic, statement-generic] \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \
--oci --oci-repo=[my_repo] '''

Following is a Jenkinsfile in the scripted syntax.

node {
]) {
stage('install') {
sh 'curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ./temp/bin -D'
stage('bom') {
sh '''
valint [bom,slsa,evidence] [target] \
-o [attest, statement] \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \
--oci --oci-repo=[my_repo] '''

stage('verify') {
sh '''
valint verify [target] \
-i [attest, statement, attest-slsa, statement-slsa, attest-generic, statement-generic] \
--context-type jenkins \
--output-directory ./scribe/valint \
--oci --oci-repo=[my_repo] '''

Use jenkins as context-type.