valint evidence
Add file as evidence command
Collect, Create and Store any file as evidence
valint evidence [TARGET] [flags]
Optional flags
Flags for evidence
Short | Long | Description | Default |
--attest.config | Attestation config path | ||
--attest.default | Attestation default config, options=[sigstore sigstore-github x509 x509-env kms pubkey] | ||
--ca | x509 CA Chain path | ||
--cert | x509 Cert path | ||
--compress | Compress content) | ||
--crl | x509 CRL path | ||
--crl-full-chain | Enable Full chain CRL verfication | ||
--disable-crl | Disable certificate revocation verificatoin | ||
-o | --format | Evidence format, options=[statement attest] | |
--format-encoding | Evidence Format encoding | ||
--format-type | Evidence Format type | ||
--format-version | Evidence Format version | ||
-h | --help | help for evidence | |
--key | x509 Private key path | ||
--kms | Provide KMS key reference | ||
--oci | Enable OCI store | ||
-R | --oci-repo | Select OCI custom attestation repo | |
--parser | Evidence Parser Name | ||
--pass | Private key password | ||
--pubkey | Public key path | ||
-y | --skip-confirmation | Skip Sigstore Confirmation | |
--tool | Evidence Tool name | ||
--tool-vendor | Evidence Tool vendor | ||
--tool-version | Evidence Tool version |
Global options flags
Flags for all valint
Short | Long | Description | Default |
--cache-enable | Enable local cache | true | |
-c | --config | Configuration file path | |
-C | --context-type | CI context type, options=[jenkins github circleci azure gitlab travis tekton bitbucket local admission] | |
--deliverable | Mark as deliverable, options=[true, false] | ||
-e | --env | Environment keys to include in evidence | |
-G | --gate | Policy Gate name | |
--input | Input Evidence target, format (<parser>:<file> or <scheme>:<name>:<tag>) | ||
-L | --label | Add Custom labels | |
--level | Log depth level, options=[panic fatal error warning info debug trace] | ||
--log-context | Attach context to all logs | ||
--log-file | Output log to file | ||
-d | --output-directory | Output directory path | "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/valint" |
-O | --output-file | Output file name | |
-p | --pipeline-name | Pipeline name | |
--predicate-type | Custom Predicate type (generic evidence format) | "" | |
-n | --product-key | Product Key | |
-V | --product-version | Product Version | |
-q | --quiet | Suppress all logging output | |
-U | --scribe.client-id | Scribe Client ID (deprecated) | |
-P | --scribe.client-secret | Scribe Client Token | |
-D | --scribe.disable | Disable scribe client | |
-E | --scribe.enable | Enable scribe client (deprecated) | |
-u | --scribe.url | Scribe API Url | "" |
-s | --show | Print evidence to stdout | |
--structured | Enable structured logger | ||
--timeout | Timeout duration | "120s" | |
-v | --verbose | Log verbosity level [-v,--verbose=1] = info, [-vv,--verbose=2] = debug |
Examples for running valint evidence
valint evidence <file>
<file> File Path to add as evidence
valint evidence file.json Attach a file as evidence
valint evidence file.json -o attest Sign evidence
valint evidence file.json --tool my_tool --tool-version 0.0.1 --vendor="My Company Inc" Customize tool information
valint evidence file.json --format my_format --format-version 0.0.1 --format-encoding=xml Customize format information
valint evidence file.json --predicate-type https:/ Customize predicate type
valint evidence file.json --compress Compress content
valint evidence file.json --parser trivy Select Supported Report Parser
valint evidence --file trivy:report.json --file semgrep:./report.semgrep.json Multiple file mapping
Supported Parsers:
* acunetix
* acunetix360
* anchorectlpolicies
* anchorectlvulns
* anchoreengine
* anchoreenterprise
* anchoregrype
* apiblackduck
* apibugcrowd
* apicobalt
* apiedgescan
* apisonarqube
* apivulners
* appspider
* aqua
* arachni
* asff
* auditjs
* awsprowler
* awsprowlerv3
* awsscout2
* awssecurityhub
* azuresecuritycenterrecommendations
* bandit
* blackduck
* blackduckbinaryanalysis
* blackduckcomponentrisk
* brakeman
* bugcrowd
* bundleraudit
* burp
* burpapi
* burpenterprise
* burpgraphql
* cargoaudit
* checkmarx
* checkmarxone
* checkmarxosa
* checkov
* chefinspect
* clair
* cloudsploit
* cobalt
* codechecker
* contrast
* coverityapi
* crashtestsecurityjson
* credscan
* cyclonedx
* dawnscanner
* dependencycheck
* dependencytrack
* detectsecrets
* dockerbench
* dockle
* drheader
* dsop
* eslint
* fortify
* gcloudartifactscan
* generic
* ggshield
* githubvulnerability
* gitlabapifuzzing
* gitlabcontainerscan
* gitlabdast
* gitlabdepscan
* gitlabsast
* gitlabsecretdetectionreport
* gitleaks
* gosec
* govulncheck
* h1
* hadolint
* harborvulnerability
* hclappscan
* horusec
* humble
* huskyci
* hydra
* ibmapp
* immuniweb
* intsights
* jfrogxray
* jfrogxrayapisummaryartifact
* jfrogxrayondemandbinaryscan
* jfrogxrayunified
* kics
* kiuwan
* kubeaudit
* kubebench
* kubehunter
* kubescape
* mend
* meterian
* microfocuswebinspect
* mobsf
* mobsfscan
* mozillaobservatory
* msdefender
* netsparker
* neuvector
* neuvectorcompliance
* nexpose
* nikto
* nmap
* npmaudit
* nsp
* nuclei
* openscap
* openvas
* ort
* ossindexdevaudit
* outpost24
* phpsecurityauditv2
* phpsymfonysecuritycheck
* pipaudit
* pmd
* popeye
* pwnsast
* qualys
* qualysinfrascanwebgui
* qualyswebapp
* redhatsatellite
* retirejs
* riskrecon
* rubocop
* rustyhog
* sarif
* scantist
* scoutsuite
* semgrep
* skf
* snyk
* solarappscreener
* sonarqube
* sonatype
* spotbugs
* sshaudit
* ssllabs
* sslscan
* sslyze
* stackhawk
* sysdigreports
* talisman
* tenable
* terrascan
* testssl
* tfsec
* threagile
* trivy
* trivyoperator
* trufflehog
* trufflehog3
* trustwave
* trustwavefusionapi
* twistlock
* vcgxml
* veracode
* veracodesca
* wapiti
* wazuh
* wfuzz
* whispers
* whitehatsentinel
* wpscan
* xanitizer
* yarnaudit
* zap
- valint - Validate Supply Chain Integrity