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The valint evidence command allows users to collect, create, and store any file as evidence, supporting third-party verifiable information. This functionality enables users to meet various compliance requirements by including custom evidence or attestation (signed) from third-party tools. The versatility of generic evidence empowers users to enforce robust and customizable policies in their supply chain. For example, Attesting to License scanner report can enable you to enforce licensing requirements as part of your build pipeline.


To attach evidence:

valint evidence [FILE] -o [statement, attest] [FLAGS]

Auto-Detected Tools

valint evidence supports auto-detection of fields, including the tool format and predicate type, from the output of various tools.

Tool NamePredicate-TypeFormatFormat-EncodingCommand Example
trivy<version>/docs/configuration/reporting/#jsonjson-trivy image --format json -o evidence.json
trivy<version>sarifjsontrivy image --format sarif -o evidence.sarif.json
valint<version>sarifjsonvalint verify <target>
valint<version>cyclonedxjsonvalint bom <target>
syft<version>cyclonedxjsonsyft packages <target> -o cyclonedx-json --file evidence.json
cdxgen (owasp-plugin)<version>cyclonedxjson, xmlcdxgen alpine:latest -t docker -o evidence.cdx.json
codeql<version>sarifjsoncodeql execute --format sarif -o evidnece.sarif.json
valint<version>slsajsonvalint slsa <target>
Other CycloneDX Tools<version>cyclonedxjson[Tool Command]
Other Sarif Tools<version>sarifjson[Tool Command]

For CycloneDX and Sarif Tools, tool information is taken from the format tool section.

Tailoring Evidence Metadata

The customization options enable you to tailor the evidence generation process according to your specific needs, tools, or formats.

  • --predicate-type: Customize the predicate type of the evidence, which must be a valid URI.
  • --compress: Can be used to sign the compress file before attaching it to evidence.
  • --tool, --tool-version, --tool-vendor, Can be used for custom tool integrations.
  • --format-type, --format-version, --format-encoding, Can be used for custom format integrations.

Trivy integration exmaple

Install Trivy's latest version.

Run the following command to export a Sarif report.

trivy image --format sarif -o report.sarif  golang:1.12-alpine

Run the following Valint command to add the report as evidence to the Scribe Service.

valint evidence report.sarif -o  [attest, statement] \
-E \


"_type": "",

"subject": [{ ... }],

// Can also include any custom user defined url.
"predicateType": <predicate-type>

"predicate": {
"environment": {
<Evidence context object>

//Content Mimetype
"mimeType": <string>,

// File target content
"content": <BASE64 content>

Extracting the predicate from attestation

You may use the following command to extract evidence from a encoded attestation file.

valint [bom, slsa, evidence] [target] -o attest --output-file my_attestation.sig

cat my_attesataion.sig | jq -r '.payload' | base64 -d | jq -r '.payload' | base64 --decode | jq '.predicate' > predicate.json

You can further extract specific predicate field, for example for SBOM evidence (attest) use the following command.

cat my_attesataion.sig | jq -r '.payload' | base64 -d | jq -r '.payload' | base64 --decode | jq '.predicate' | jq '.bom' > bom.json